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Pinnola (屏诺拉) & Bomstein (包斯顿)律师事务所专承代表个人和商务上的法律诉讼。 Peter Pinnola (彼得,屏诺拉)和Michael Bomstein (马克,包斯顿) 累计综合有50年资深经验,专长联邦及本州各类民事诉讼案件。他们信守承诺,专心殷勤, 保证给你最佳法律上的服务。

Bomstein (包斯顿) 律师擅长于商业及不法行为的诉讼。 Pinnola (屏诺拉) 律师专办有违社会安全伤残的诉讼。 律师事务所并办理房屋生意买卖过户。

曾访问过中国的Michael Bomstein (马克,包斯顿) 律师会汉语,数年来顾客有餐馆老板和不同的商家,个人的法律案件中很多是中国人。自从1990年中以来,他与华商律师萧柏绮 (Catherine P. Y. Siu)合作诉讼许多案件,赢得胜诉。

来自香港的萧柏绮 (Catherine P. Y. Siu)律师能说广东话和汉语,办事处离唐人街不远 (THELAND TITLE BUILDING, 100 SOUTH BROAD STREET, SUITE 2126, PHILA. PA 19110 TEL: 215- 627-3901)。她是一位有执照的会计师,所以她能以法律观点来处理有关商业和公司上的税务问题,并承办离婚,家庭纠纷,遗嘱,破产,移民和诉 讼案件。



Client Reviews
"Michael Bomstein has been our family's attorney for more than 20 years. He has always been very accessible for litigation, real estate and contract issues. Mr. Bomstein is knowledgeable, wise and ethical. I recommend him without reservation." - Karen W.
"I appreciated the time you took to speak with me recently. I felt a lot more comfortable after speaking with you and want you to know that it is greatly appreciated." - B.W.
"When my business partner brought suit against me I needed an experienced attorney to help defend me in court. Mike Bomstein worked with me from start to finish and we got a really good result. My practice is now doing well. I strongly recommend Pinnola and Bomstein." - Shimma A.
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